When the children enter the classroom, they are greeted by a staff member, then given the freedom to explore the various learning activities and interest centers that have been prepared before their arrival.
Special things for special days! And each day is a special day!!

There are enough interest centers and activities going on at one time that the child are motivated by knowing that they are there.

20 month – 2 years old

Exploring Steps

Toddlers are busy little learners with big, new worlds to explore. Our teachers lead your young toddler through age-appropriate activities at our child care center to help them learn about their body, communicate with words, solve problems and increase mobility. We specialize in guiding young toddlers toward safe discovery habits.

2 – 4 years old

Early Learners

Your young preschooler is an inventor, problem solver, discoverer and dreamer. Amazing Kids Learning Center teachers encourage them to observe, take things apart, build, create, draw and talk about what they had learned at our child development center. Through thoughtful questions and gentle guidance we teach them how to take pride in their achievements, building positive self-esteem.

4 – 5 years old

Pre – Kindergarten

Our Curriculum supports your children by further developing the critical thinking skills they need to succeed in kindergarten. Our early childhood education specialists plan lessons that promote your child’s meaningful learning in reading, writing and math. They participate in hands-on, sensory-orientated activities, constructing their knowledge through exploration, investigation and play.

developmentally appropriate curriculum

At ALL STARS KIDS Learning Center, we strive to create an environment ripe for learning. Our curriculum is designed to be developmentally appropriate for each specific age group and presented in a nurturing fashion tailored to the needs of each individual student.
Our weekly and monthly themes are geared toward using your child’s innate curiosity to stimulate his or her natural desire to learn. It is our belief that learning begins at birth. Although our infants each tend to follow his or her individual schedule, numerous opportunities for learning are explored each day. Daily interaction with teachers and other children provide constant stimulation through numerous modes of play and are highlighted by a variety of opportunities for personal discovery and development.

For our toddlers, language arts are one area that comes to the forefront. Individual speech development is an area in which each student is consistently encouraged to develop through interaction with others, play, and song. As your toddler progresses, assistance with potty training will also become a primary focus during this developmental stage. Proceeding at his or her own pace, each student encouraged at every step of the way in achieving this prominent phase of independence. Fine motor skill development is another area where your toddler begins to excel. From drawing with crayons and markers to handling forks and spoons during lunch, the rapid growth he or she shows at this time is incorporated into increasingly new and unique opportunities for personal growth.

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